Upper Arlington Arts & Culture Master Plan
Upper Arlington, Ohio
The City of Upper Arlington has one of the oldest arts and culture programs in Central Ohio. Housed within the Parks & Recreation Department, its Cultural Division is advised and supported by the Cultural Arts Commission, a seven-member group appointed by City Council for the purpose of fostering and encouraging the development and preservation of arts in the community. As part of this charge, the Commission recognized the need for a clear and thoughtful master plan to guide the future of cultural arts in the City of Upper Arlington.
The yearlong process of developing the master plan kicked off in the fall of 2018, beginning with a general study of the history and current state of the arts in Upper Arlington. This research was followed by an extensive 6-month community input process that included more than 1,000 one-on-one touch points in the form of surveys, focus group meetings, and pop-up events held throughout the city. The feedback received from this public engagement demonstrated the community’s support for the Division’s programs, as well as support for continued investment in the arts.
The Arts and Culture Master Plan established a series of short-, mid-, and long-term implementation strategies that focused on enhancing existing programming, strengthening operations, and raising awareness of the arts and culture opportunities available to residents. It provided clarity on the purpose, roles, and responsibilities of the Cultural Arts Commission, and set forth an inspirational guiding framework for exploring expanded public art opportunities in the community. The plan was accepted by Council in December 2019.