Hayden Building
The Hayden is a two-building complex that sits in the shadow of the Rhodes State Office Tower. The four-story building at 20 E. Broad St. was completed in 1869 and is the oldest on Capitol Square. For a time, it was the headquarters of the National Football League.
Its 13-story neighbor at 16 E. Broad St. was the city's tallest building from its completion in 1901 until the 47-story LeVeque Tower was completed 25 years later. The 11-story Wyandotte Building, regarded as the city's first skyscraper, was built in 1897.
When the building was acquired by its current owner, Tomko Company, it was vacant and in a state of disrepair. The owner planned to convert the property into office space as well for retail tenants on the 1st Floor.
Designing Local helped the property owner secure the Ohio Historic Tax Credit and the Federal Historic Tax Credit.
The building is how home to a number of office and retail tenants including Bank of America.
Ohio State Historic Preservation Tax Credit
Federal Historic Tax Credit