Village of Lockbourne
Lockbourne, Ohio, located south of Columbus, features a charming collection of historic homes and buildings. The village has been taking steps to capitalize on its unique resources, including several canal locks and a major stream corridor. To create a meaningful focal point for future community events, Lockbourne planned to convert an open lot adjacent to its Town Hall into a Town Green with a new Veterans Memorial, a performance pavilion, plantings, and various amenities.
Designing Local worked with Lockbourne leadership to develop a working concept, which was used to solicit feedback from various community stakeholders and adjusted according to what was learned. The plan ultimately agreed upon was sensitive to the demands of funding stipulations, and allowed the Town Green to function regardless of how many plan elements had been implemented. The Veterans Memorial was constructed first, and other elements were completed as funding became available.
The park had a meaningful Veterans Day celebration to mark its grand opening on November 10, 2021, and will be utilized for all Memorial Day and Veterans Day celebrations going forward.
Landscape Architecture