Corning Public Art Strategy
Corning, New York
The City of Corning in the beautiful hills of Southern New York is one of the world’s leading innovators in materials science with a renowned arts scene. Developing a long-range public art strategy will help the community to cultivate and expand public art to enhance and propel the City of Corning as a city of and for the arts. The new Public Art Strategy plan in Corning will offer continued economic growth by establishing public art that is welcoming for all, culturally rich, tells the story of the City’s history, and can be practically applied and implemented over the next five years.
A highly collaborative public process was at the heart of the Corning Public Art Strategy. In order to ensure that the strategy was built upon a solid foundation of community support the planning team engaged with community members and key stakeholders through a variety of mediums. What emerged was a vision for how public art can enhance and reflect the character of Corning. From the structure of the program to the funding and implementation, project partnerships and community consensus was key to make sure the public art strategy would be successful creating vitality and interest in public spaces.
The Public Art Strategy is currently in the final stages of production and will be ready to implement in early 2024. The plan takes into account a broader vision for Corning, that takes advantages of opportunities for linkages to the larger region and establish social, environmental, and financial sustainable policies and best practices. With a history of strong Public-Private partnerships and as an incubator for arts and sciences, the Public Art Strategy builds on past successes and creates new opportunities for art and science to intersect in engaging public space and public life in Corning.