Frisco Public Art Master Plan Update
City of Frisco, Texas
In 2002, the City of Frisco developed a public art program at a pivotal moment in its history. With a population of just over 50,000 residents and a unique position in the North Texas Region, the city was poised for explosive growth, culminating with an anticipated population of just over 350,000 by 2035. In 2004, the city adopted a Public Art Master Plan and, since then, commissioned more than 75 pieces totaling $4+ million. In 2018, Frisco sought to update its Public Art Master Plan to include strategies for managing its burgeoning collection.
Designing Local evaluated the city’s collection and conducted public engagement sessions to formulate recommendations for an updated plan.
The Frisco Public Art Master Plan Update was adopted in August 2018, providing the city a roadmap to integrating thoughtfully curated public artworks into their capital projects through 2023. With a Collection Management Policy in place, the city can better care for its current collection as it adds new pieces.