Glenwood Springs Public Art Master Plan
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
The Glenwood Springs City Council and Mayor tasked the Arts and Culture Board with the responsibility to promote awareness, access, and appreciation of the fine, performing, and practical arts among city residents and visitors. The City and the Arts and Culture Board felt that their needs would be best served by the development of a Public Art Master Plan
Like all of us, Glenwood Springs dealt with the pandemic in 2020; in addition, the city received a devastating blow from the Grizzly Creek Fire. These difficulties forced public engagement online throughout the fall and winter of 2020, but thankfully did not derail the collection of feedback.
Though the City of Glenwood Springs had long featured public art, it had never established a formal, city-led program. Using the plan, the City of Glenwood Springs formally established a Public Art Program, governed by sound and transparent policies and procedures that will ensure its continued success.