Moline Public Art & Placemaking Plan

Moline, Illinois


The City of Moline, Illinois is a Quad City bordered by the Mississippi River. As the gateway to the East, the city understands the value of first impressions, which is why it set out to develop its first-ever Public Art Master Plan. The plan focused on downtown Moline and supported numerous other planning initiatives advancing redevelopment of the city center.


Designing Local hosted a robust public engagement program despite the global pandemic. A series of stakeholder meetings and focus groups were held with various organizations and community leaders. Students from Augustana College and Black Hawk College participated in virtual public events called ‘Walkabout Talkabout Public Art’, during which they were asked to consider seven different types of sites and how public art could impact them.


The Moline Public Art Master Plan was adopted in 2021 and continues to influence public art policy and programs in the city.


Safe Routes to School Placemaking Project


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