Plain City, Ohio
Plain City is a community at a crossroads. The village celebrated its Bicentennial in 2018 and achieved ‘city’ status in 2020; it is anticipated that the next 30 years will bring it significant residential and commercial growth. But Plain City is a community that cherishes its history and small town feel so, in order to guide the growth that is sure to come, the village undertook a comprehensive planning process.
The yearlong project began with a community engagement process that built on Designing Local’s previous surveying efforts. Through community engagement, we identified historic preservation and the revitalization of Uptown Plain City as vitally important to residents and other stakeholders.
Designing Local led the historic preservation portion of the planning process, and subsequent recommendations. As part of the process, we inventoried historic buildings in the Uptown area to assist in future National Register nominations and identify significant buildings and collections of buildings for the plan.
The 2018 Bicentennial Community Plan is a Comprehensive Plan for Plain City will guide development and decision-making there for the next 10 to 20 years.
Mannik Smith Group
Historic Preservation
Urban Design
Public Engagement